What is the difference between a Strategists, a Consultant, a Coach


A Business strategist helps you answer the big meaty questions of what your business does, for whom, how, and why. This helps you develop plans to make those things happen.  Strategy involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals and offers resources to execute the actions.

A Business Strategist will offer structure, guidance, strategy tips and resources for your BUSINESS.

Go to a strategist if:

  • You need to make decisions on the big picture or on something specific.

  • You’re trying to organize your thoughts, ideas, and opportunities for your business.

  • You want to launch something new for your business, or you want to stop doing too many things and instead focus on your niche.

  • You’re unclear on your mission, the clients you want to attract, how to package and price your services, etc.

  • Your teams aren’t working cohesively and you’re not sure what to do about it. 


A consultant is usually an expert or an experienced professional in a specific field. They have a wide knowledge of that subject matter. Think branding your business, you have ideas, but not sure exactly how to make it happen.  You would consult with a brand specialist. 

Go to a consultant if you need knowledge or execution support on a particular topic.

  • You already know what you need to do, for example, improve your SEO (search engine optimization), but need advice on how to do it.

  • You’ve already figured out the who, what, why and how of your business. You want someone to build a website to share these details.

  • You want expert guidance on how to do something specific, like register for an LLC or hire your first employee.


Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person partners with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential by providing training and guidance.

A Coach will offer structure, guidance, strategies, tips and resources for YOU!

Go to a coach if you need to work on your mindset or behaviors to better reach your goals.

  • You’re struggling to reach your goals.

  • You have behaviors, like procrastination that are holding you back from doing your best work.

  • You want to be a better manager or business owner.

  • You want someone to hold you accountable and talk through your concerns regularly.

Meet Pearla - A Hybrid Strategists

Pearla has been working with business owners, managers and corporations since 2015. As a business owner, her yearning for learning and philanthropic mindset it became clear that becoming a business strategists would set others on a path to success while filling her cup.

Her style describes a hybrid crossover of strategists, consultant and coach. Her unique strategies to build cohesive teams and customized systems are extraordinary. As a consultant she builds websites and helps entrepreneurs with everything from registering their LLC to hiring their first employee. She will improve your teams mindset and communication while providing accountability through her coaching techniques.